We took T.M. to the pumpkin patch today. There was a cute little pumpkin patch in Leander selling all sizes of pumpkins. We went just to take pictures, but decided to buy a small $3 pumpkin since I felt a little guilty. He had a fun time.
We're so lucky to have someone in the family who can take portraits of Thomas for us! Too bad she lives in Washington. We took advantage of Heather's skills while she was here and got quite a few sweet pictures of Thomas. I need to pick some to get printed and actually put some on the walls!
Last week, Heather and Nolan came to visit us here in Texas. They made the trip all the way from Washington state. We all had a great time and we were sad when they left. We mainly stayed close to the neighborhood, but took many walks to the park to play and hang out. Debbie and Brittany came over one day and we went to our favorite neighborhood Chinese restaurant. If you look closely, you can find the picture of Thomas after he bonked his head. That would be the second bonking at this restaurant. Oh well...
If any of you recently had kids, you are very aware of Baby Einstein. These programs are amazing. T.M. loves Baby Beethoven. He just loves to sit in his little chair and stare at all the crazy things on the screen. Does this mean that T.M. is going to love classical music when he gets older? Maybe... It's actually incredibly cute to watch. I took some pictures and a quick video of him watching his program. Of course he couldn't decide which was more interesting, Daddy with the camera or his program. Enjoy...
I was looking back at some pictures I took of Thomas on June 9th. It's really amazing how much they change in such a short amount of time. He's only 4 weeks old in these pictures. For some reference, here's a link to some pictures when he was only 3 days old. Crazy...
Now that Thomas has made his peace (mostly) with the car, we've been starting to venture out more. Saturday we went to Target and then had Chinese food for lunch. It was really our first family outing to speak of. TM did great. He was able to put his newly acquired skill of sitting up to good use - he sat in a cart and a high chair for the first time and was duly fascinated. There was a minor head-bonking incident at the restaurant, but it was over pretty quickly. The pictures are from Brad's phone, so they're not great.