Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Growing Up

I just wanted to post with all the new things Thomas has suddenly started doing...no pictures right now.

New in the last two weeks:
Pulling up to a standing position (a video of this will be posted later)
First tooth! (last night)
Making consonant sounds - babababa & mamama (although they don't seem to be in relation to anything yet
Holding the sippy cup and tilting it back to get water (and loving it!)
Correlating his actions with sounds from a toy (he has a set of plastic keys with buttons that make car sounds - just figured out that when he did *this* the toy did *that*)

Ok, I think that's it.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Home Alone with Dad

Today was fun. Sorcha decided she wanted to go the grocery store by herself to get a little break. So, it was Thomas and Daddy time. He took a tiny power nap for about 20 minutes then woke up and decided he wanted to play. We sat on the bed and the toy of choice was a black belt of mine. I had my phone close by so I decided to take some photos. The camera on my phone is not very good but I think you'll agree, I got some very cute shots. Enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

First Halloween

Well... last night was Thomas' first Halloween. He was very excited. He decided to go as a chili pepper. It was a close call between the duck and the chili pepper. The chili pepper won, primarly because the duck costume was out of stock. Oh well. We pulled out the camping chairs and sat in our front yard with a lantern to watch all the trick or treaters come by. We had the usual, witches, ghosts and of course Buzz Lightyear. Everyone loved Thomas' costume. Maybe he can be the duck next year.