We've been trying to catch up on the blog lately and realized that there were several great videos that never made it up. Brad made a little folder of them all, here.The first one is just really cute giggling. The second one is the first time he pulled up to standing on his own. Then we have him walking while holding onto fingers. And probably my most favorite video we've ever taken of him is the next one. You can't really tell what's happening, but I'm behind Thomas (in his highchair) throwing treats to Charlie and Charlie is jumping up in the air to get them. Every time Charlie jumps, Thomas is startled and then cracks up laughing. The last one is around the time that he started giving kisses. This is my favorite thing he's ever learned how to do. Now he'll kiss puppets and Charlie and if a face comes close to his he'll kiss it, but at the beginning he wasn't so liberal with his kisses.
T.M. has loved fruit ever since we started giving him solid food. It's mostly been the dried kind or in the little mesh eat thingy he uses. Every now and then he'll try to eat a whole piece of fruit. I was able to get a little video of him eating Sorcha's nectarine. Very cute. Follow the link to see the video.
It had to happen some time. We finally cut T.M.'s hair. We were going to let it grow and grow, but it just go way to shaggy. He started looking like either a politician or an anchorman, either one being unacceptable. So... Gigi was kind enough to come over to do the honors. Very cool, so we didn't have some stranger with a sharp object all up in his face. I'm sure he would not have liked that. He did however not mind Gigi at all. It all went pretty smoothly. Follow the link for more pictures.
I can't remember why he was in the sink. But I thought I would post a quick picture.
Well... Home alone with T.M. again. Sorcha went to get a haircut with her mother, so I got to spend some alone time with the little man. As usual, I like to try to get some photos. Sorcha says he won't do this with her, but I can put him in front of a bunch of household items and he'll play for about an hour without getting bored. All the while the camera is going. Follow the link for more pictures, and be sure to check out the cute videos at the end.
When Thomas was born, we started taking hundreds of pictures. I would send photos via email to everyone that was interested. Well, that started getting old very quickly and given the amount of photos we were taking it just didn't make any sense. So I started my own Thomas Moore Cavanaugh website. I created the site and maintained it but that quickly got to be a pain as well. So then I decided to host all of our family photos on Smugmug, which is very cool if you haven't checked it out. They do charge, but it's very minimal. The great thing about Smugmug is that you the people can have access to the original digital files, very nice... But then it seemed like I was just sending links to a bunch of photos with no real context and I didn't want to do that. That's when I created the Thomas Moore Cavanaugh blog using Google's free Blogger service. Ah... everything was right in the world. Both Sorcha and I could post to the blog about things that Thomas was doing but still link to Smugmug for the delivery of photos and short videos related to each post. Great. Well maybe not. Sorcha and I are planning to have more children. Will each child have their own blog? Doubtful... Big pain... So, the more I thought about it, the more I realized, we needed a family blog. Not just one focused on Thomas (although, I'm sure all the posts will be about him for a long time) but one focused on our new family and eventually larger family. So, without further ado, may I present the new blog... The Cavanaugh Family. Enjoy.