Sunday, May 28, 2006
Thomas the Chef
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Thomas the Sailor Man
Just a quick post of a VERY cute picture of Thomas. We were cleaning out our closet today and found Thomas' Grandpa's old sailor hat from when he was in the Navy. We thought it would be cute to see if Thomas would wear it. That he did. He walked around the house for the longest time wearing the hat. I had to get a picture. I'm sorry but he is SO cute!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Thomas Turns One
Thomas had his first taste of pure sugar in the form of a yummy chocolate cupcake (which his daddy spent all night preparing for him). Initially he asked for more, but after a few bites he lost interest and just wanted tons of water. He never even grabbed it, he just wanted me to give him bites. I am in no way complaining!! There's plenty of time to get addicted to sugar. His great-grandparents got him one of those old fashioned poppers and it was a huge hit. He had a great time walking it all over the place. Of course, probably his favorite thing to do at any park is to chase the birds and/or squirrels, and his party was no exception. After all that partying though, he was exhausted and crashed before we were even out of the parking lot.
When we went to bed I was looking at him sleeping and thinking back to that same night exactly one year ago. I almost started crying just thinking about what we would go through for the next several months (not sure the correct tense to use when talking about the future of a memory - or how to even say that!). It was all so overwhelming. We had no idea what to expect or what to do. The first 3 or 4 months with Thomas were very hard for us. Even aside from the huge breastfeeding struggles, was just the adjustment factor. It has taken us a long time to find balance with a baby and with being a family - being parents! - instead of just two adults. That's not to say that we're there, but we're a heck of a lot closer.
Having a baby is not what I thought it was going to be. First and foremost it's 100 times harder. It's lonelier, it's more boring. But it's also more amazing, moving, and grounding. He astounds me every day with what he can do and with what he wants to do. He is helping me learn patience and how to stay in the moment and what's really important in life. Everyone has heard moms say how you never know how much love you can feel until you have a child and it's true. Sometimes I just feel like I love him so much I can't stand it! What do I do with all this feeling? It almost reminds me of labor, but in an emotional way. Often it's difficult to be so utterly needed, but then he looks up at me with those big blue eyes, completely content to just nurse and I take a deep breath and remember he won't be small forever. There's a wonderful saying from a book I read recently that I've really tried to take to heart - "nothing has meaning but the meaning you give it." So, when I'm trying to finish the dishes and he keeps coming up to me, demanding to be held, I could get frustrated. Or - I could choose to hold my sweet little man and enjoy the fact that he wants to be held. The dishes sure don't care.
I'm including a link to my birth story in case anyone hasn't read it and wants to. I've been thinking about that day a lot this past week. At 4:00 pm on May 13, 2005 Thomas wasn't here. At 4:01 he was (ok, so he was here for 9 months prior to that day, but we didn't meet him until then). I remember thinking: Where did he come from? Who is he? Where are his parents?? This little person suddenly appeared and was utterly dependent on us (mostly me). I'm so happy that I can look back on that day happily. Everything went exactly as nature designed it to go. I'm glad we were at home. There was no time to think or question whether or not I could do it or if someone would "have to" help me. My body just did it. It was the most powerful thing I'm likely to experience in my life. Until next time of course.
Something I think only other parents can understand is that this past year has been the longest and shortest of my life. I hope Brad and I are able to savor these first years and roll with the challenges. Although sometimes it seems hard to believe now, I'm sure someday we'll look back longingly on this time.
Here's a link to the pictures on Smugmug and I've posted a slideshow of pictures taken during the first year. Enjoy...
Friday, May 12, 2006
The Evolution of Dance
Ok... This has nothing to do with myself, my wife or our son. But it simply too funny not to post... Enjoy!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Unstoppable Cleaning Machine
So, everyone knows it's in poor taste to get your wife a vacuum as a gift, but what about your one year old son? He is OBSESSED with the vacuum. Today when he woke up from his nap I went in his room to get him and he reached up for me and said "bac" (vacuum) and signed "more". It's his third "word"!! *sigh* He cannot be deterred. It all started with the broom, but he soon realized that there was something even cooler...I mean it makes noise for crying out loud - what more could a little boy want? He actually wants to play with the vacuum more than he ever wanted to go outside. When he learned the "outside" sign I thought that was bad, but this goes to a whole new level. He gets frantic. His "more" deteriorates from all fingers together to a rushed clapping of the hands. He looks at me imploringly and if I acknowledge that I understand him by saying "vacuum" he visibly relaxes and gives a big grin while continuing to sign and point. Who needs toys?!?
When he wakes up in a little while I'm going to go buy him his own vacuum so that maybe he'll be content to play with it on his own instead of demanding that I vacuum the house all day. I mean, I like a clean house, but geez!
When he wakes up in a little while I'm going to go buy him his own vacuum so that maybe he'll be content to play with it on his own instead of demanding that I vacuum the house all day. I mean, I like a clean house, but geez!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Bouncing Ball Fun
Just a quick post of a cute video of Thomas and Sorcha playing with his new ball. He loves it when she bounces it with him. Very cute!
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