I can't remember where Sorcha went but I got to spend some time with Thomas all by myself on January 8th. I know, it's the 31st and I haven't posted these pictures. He pretty much sat by himself and played while I took a bunch of pictures of him. A lot of them are out of focus and I was messing with the settings so the color is funky in a lot of them but some of them came out. I just uploaded all of them for the heck of it. Be sure to watch the movies on the last page of the gallery, they are very cute. As usual... Click this link for more pictures.
As most of you know we've been slowly giving Thomas new foods. Some he likes... Some he doesn't... But sometimes he's not sure. We gave him some Tomato in his little mesh eating thing (not sure what it's called) and it started out looking ok. But then the bitter face... What's even funnier is that he kept eating even after the bitter face. Follow the link to view the video to see what I mean.
Thomas has been grabbing at his socks for some time now. But he has never tried to take them off... Until now... If he gets a hold of his socks, they are coming off. No questions asked. It's actually quite cute... As usual, follow the link for the video.
Well... I know it's a little late, but I guess I should post pictures from our Christmas festivities. As you'll see we spent some time at our house opening presents as well as at Gigi and Papa's on Christmas day. As usual, Papa cooks a fantastic meal for all to enjoy. This year my folks were able to come up and enjoy. We also went to Gigi's work Christmas party and Thomas got to sit on Santa's lap. He was not thrilled. As usual... Follow the link to see the pictures...
Well, after running out of ideas to keep TM occupied tonight, I decided I'd try a long walk. Apparently he liked that idea. He's never fallen asleep in the stroller before. And as you can see from the picture, I even managed to push him into the house. Too cute.
I'm not sure why, but new things seem to come in groups. About a week ago TM started signing "more" which has got to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'll post a video of it later. Right now it really means "I want" b/c he uses it when he wants me to pick him up and when he wants a toy, but he'll get it soon. He also started talking around the same day. He said "dada" and "quackquack" (or really wahwah) and "mama" but hasn't really repeated them. He also started putting things IN baskets instead of just dumping them out. And anything flat now gets repeatedly flipped over (video of that later as well). And I think the last and final new thing is pulling things toward him to get something else. So, say a toy is on a blanket too far away, he'll pull the blanket to get it, or pull a wagon string to get the blocks in the wagon. Cute!!
I use Google's Picasa to manage my photos. It has a nice feature that allows me to select a picture and just hit the "Blog This" button to post it to my blog. I've never actually done this, so this is my test post.