New Skills
I'm not sure why, but new things seem to come in groups. About a week ago TM started signing "more" which has got to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'll post a video of it later. Right now it really means "I want" b/c he uses it when he wants me to pick him up and when he wants a toy, but he'll get it soon. He also started talking around the same day. He said "dada" and "quackquack" (or really wahwah) and "mama" but hasn't really repeated them. He also started putting things IN baskets instead of just dumping them out. And anything flat now gets repeatedly flipped over (video of that later as well). And I think the last and final new thing is pulling things toward him to get something else. So, say a toy is on a blanket too far away, he'll pull the blanket to get it, or pull a wagon string to get the blocks in the wagon. Cute!!
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