Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I'm not exactly sure when Thomas started saying his two words, but it was probably at least 2-3 weeks ago. I know I posted a while back that he said a few things, but he hasn't repeated any of them. He started saying uh-oh whenever he dropped something and before I knew it he was saying it all day. At first it was more like "uh-uh-uh-ooooooh." But, with the hours and hours of practice he puts in each day, it's much more precise now. He'll say it and then drop something on purpose. It's pretty funny. Then, out of nowhere he started saying "Ite!!" while pointing to a light. So, we started showing him the sign for light and now he does that too! It's so strange to hear him say something that you can actually understand and to know that he understands what you mean. I can ask him where the light is and he looks up and smiles.
Oh! And you can also ask him where his belly is and he'll show you - about half the time. Weird! I can't believe I have an almost-one year old....

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