It's really strange how you forget what your baby used to be like. Whatever stage we're in is just who he "is" to me and the previous him just seems to fade away. I watched a video of when he was first learning to walk and it seemed like someone else's baby. The sounds he made brought Brad and I to tears because we were laughing so hard. I mean, I remember always thinking they were cute, but I guess in comparison to actual talking, they're hilarious.
So, it seems like he's all grown up. I know in a year (or a month) I'm going to laugh at that statment, but comparatively speaking, he IS! He's totally potty trained and has been for 3 months, he's basically a little parrot and is speaking in sentences. The other day he found a tool box on the bed, grabbed it, started getting off the bed and said "Ask daddy open this". Also, last week sometime I was reading to him and stopped and he got another book and said (slightly haltingly) "mama, read more please!" while he singed more and please. Too cute!! But perhaps the biggest step is that he's no longer Minus. He's Thomas now. =( Good thing we got that gem on video.
Also, for obvious reasons I'm much more excited about this than Brad, but daddy's been putting Thomas to bed! I'm pretty much reaching my limit with night-nursing, so we're going to be night-weaning very soon, so that's another huge change.
We've also discovered that he LOVES to draw and paint. He holds his crayon or marker or brush correctly too. I'll try to get a video of this tomorrow, but he knows circle, line and dot and will make all of them. And he loves for you to help him write his name.
The picture is of him sleeping with Bob.
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