Thanks to a friend of mine we've started going on a weekly hike with some fellow mamas and babes. Some are still wee ones in slings, but most are walkers. We alternate paths and there are different people on each trip, so it's always a different experience. On the first hike, Thomas was the poky one in the back. He just quietly looked at all the sights and stooped to check out hidden treasures. I just walked on ahead of him and looked back every few seconds to see him swinging his arms with a smile on his face. The second one he was still in the back, but by the third, he had discovered the joy of "finding" the path. "Thomas FOUND it!!" He now forges ahead, oblivious to the fact that everyone has stopped to check out a little "lake". We cross creeks, climb stone steps, explore caves, splash in shallow water and see all kinds of animals. He always has a blast. This last trip we saw peacocks and he talked about it for days - "see eecocks yeserday hike"
As I type this he's busy watering the yard while naked. Some older (8?) boys rode by on bikes and laughed at him. There was no pointing or obvious rudeness, but it wasn't an "aw how cute" laugh. I'm glad he's too young to know what they were laughing at. I think one of the reasons I love him to be naked is precisely because of this innocence. There isn't the slightest hint of akwardness or shame. It's so refreshing to be around. Plus he just loves it so much. I'll never forget one time when he wanted to be naked and jump around the bed so we pulled his shirt off and he threw his hands in the air and declared "NAKED!!!!" and laughed out loud. He's now held the water in one place so long he's made his own puddle. He was remembering playing in a puddle last night after a rainstorm and wanting to do it again. The storm last night was really his first since he's started talking so much. He didn't care for the thunder. He finally went to sleep but was awoken an hour later by a really loud crack. He wanted daddy on one side and me on the other to keep him safe. He nursed back to sleep but every time he would hear thunder, he would open his eyes and look at me, scared, as if to say "am I safe mama?" He's done with the water now and requested a popsicle. I gave him a homemade blueberry one and while lounging in a chair enjoying it he tells me "blueberry popsil really nummy, not bad". Today we were driving home and Thomas said "Thomas found it!" "What did you find baby?" "a pee chee". I looked around and saw an HEB. I said "you found HEB?" and he said "yeah!" I wonder how long he's known what HEB looks like....
Just a quick post about our trip to Houston to visit Nana and Grandpa. We all had a really nice time. Thomas especially. They just put in a new water feature in the backyard so Thomas just had to play in it. Throwing rocks, splashing the water, he definitely did not want to get out. We then took Thomas bowling for the first time. He enjoyed it. And of course he loved riding in the golf cart. Here are the pictures.
I love hearing what Thomas is thinking! It's so much fun to know what's going in in that little head. I've started jotting down a few things he's said recently that were unexpected or just really sweet. Here's a sampling:Nice shoes -- said as he walked in a new pair of shoes for the first time. He wasn't talking to anyone in the room, just looking down at the shoes.Mama sad? Nurse, feel better -- as he sat in my lap to nurse. After all, nursing makes *him* feel better.Man gave sticker Thomas!!Baby crying - kiss her!Please mama nurse Thomas -- so sweet!Thomas eat muffin River's house -- We were in the car listening to a song that he calls "river song" when he said this. Sure enough, the week before we had visited his friend River and had a muffin there. Daddy said: Thomas, do you want to come help me? Thomas said: no, cut more plants -- we were trimming bushes.Nice carpet! -- standing on an outdoor mat at a friend's house.No, Daddy be home now -- daddy had come home from work but had to leave again. =(And the kicker for me.....What.....what mama doin? -- I was planting flowers and he was just quietly watching me for a while and then he wanted to know! Usually it's "Thomas do it". This was new...
The weather has been pretty nice lately so Thomas has been spending a lot of time outside. Sorcha, Thomas and I spent some time out in the front yard. Sorcha trimmed trees, Thomas played with his dump truck and I took pictures and some video. Click here for the pictures and enjoy the video below.