I love hearing what Thomas is thinking! It's so much fun to know what's going in in that little head. I've started jotting down a few things he's said recently that were unexpected or just really sweet. Here's a sampling:
Nice shoes -- said as he walked in a new pair of shoes for the first time. He wasn't talking to anyone in the room, just looking down at the shoes.
Mama sad? Nurse, feel better -- as he sat in my lap to nurse. After all, nursing makes *him* feel better.
Man gave sticker Thomas!!
Baby crying - kiss her!
Please mama nurse Thomas -- so sweet!
Thomas eat muffin River's house -- We were in the car listening to a song that he calls "river song" when he said this. Sure enough, the week before we had visited his friend River and had a muffin there.
Daddy said: Thomas, do you want to come help me? Thomas said: no, cut more plants -- we were trimming bushes.
Nice carpet! -- standing on an outdoor mat at a friend's house.
No, Daddy be home now -- daddy had come home from work but had to leave again. =(
And the kicker for me.....
What.....what mama doin? -- I was planting flowers and he was just quietly watching me for a while and then he wanted to know! Usually it's "Thomas do it". This was new...
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