Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Good morning to you

The past week or so I've been singing "Good Morning to You" to Thomas when he wakes up. He always smiles. But then about 3 days ago he figured out how to sign for more. I know I posted a long time ago that he posted for more and he DID for several days but then he stopped and has just now started again. Plus this time he actually applies it to things other than eating. I think it would be more accurate to say that it means "I want" right now. Anyway, when I sing that song he signs more so I'll sing it a few more times. It's really sweet.
Yesterday he also stood at the door signing more - wanting to go outside. And the other night I was tickling him and I would stop and he would sign more. Its hilarious! I'm really glad we are doing sign language b/c it really makes you realize how much they understand and how early.

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