Thursday, January 18, 2007

Slowing down

It appears that I'm strange. I actually didn't mind being stuck at home this week. In fact, I sort of enjoyed it. And not just because I saved a whole tank of gas, though that was nice. Sometimes in the rush to see all my friends and do fun things I feel like I can't catch my breath. We rarely spend an entire day at home and it seems that it's harder for me to just go with the flow of the day when we've been gone all morning. Maybe I need to have at least a couple days per week that I don't leave the house.

We did finally venture out today though, for the first time this week. We had to return a few things to Targette. Before we could leave we had to get the inch of ice off of my car. Funnily enough, that was my favorite part of the trip. Or maybe it was pushing the ice off the railing of the cart return area. Why is crunching ice so satisfying? Thomas couldn't have been happier when we gave him a hammerish thing to crunch the ice in the lawn. Although, silly mama shouldn't have given it to him before nap...

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