Friday, May 05, 2006

Unstoppable Cleaning Machine

So, everyone knows it's in poor taste to get your wife a vacuum as a gift, but what about your one year old son? He is OBSESSED with the vacuum. Today when he woke up from his nap I went in his room to get him and he reached up for me and said "bac" (vacuum) and signed "more". It's his third "word"!! *sigh* He cannot be deterred. It all started with the broom, but he soon realized that there was something even cooler...I mean it makes noise for crying out loud - what more could a little boy want? He actually wants to play with the vacuum more than he ever wanted to go outside. When he learned the "outside" sign I thought that was bad, but this goes to a whole new level. He gets frantic. His "more" deteriorates from all fingers together to a rushed clapping of the hands. He looks at me imploringly and if I acknowledge that I understand him by saying "vacuum" he visibly relaxes and gives a big grin while continuing to sign and point. Who needs toys?!?

When he wakes up in a little while I'm going to go buy him his own vacuum so that maybe he'll be content to play with it on his own instead of demanding that I vacuum the house all day. I mean, I like a clean house, but geez!

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